Tuesday 3rd June 2014
Proposed departure date for those travelling in convoy. THERE IS NO FERRY ON WEDNESDAY 4TH JUNE AM! Leave PORTSMOUTH 0830, arrive OUISTRHAM 1500. ETA Ver sur Mer 1700. Camp opens.
Wednesday 4th June 2014
Although some visitors may be expected, and setting up will no doubt continue, today will be an opportunity for participants to visit the local area and/or places important to them or the unit(s) they represent. Do this in your own vehicles or we'll arrange some.
Thursday 5th June 2014
The camp will be open to visitors and setting up will no doubt continue, today will be an opportunity for participants to visit the local area and/or places important to them or the unit(s) they represent. Do this in your own vehicles or we'll arrange some. We could perhaps arrange a visit in convoy somewhere if you would like one?
Friday 6th June 2014
A day when the camp will be open to the public 1000 to 1800. A commemoration ceremony may be held during the day, details to follow. Participation is encouraged in the town's commemoration ceremonies.
An event will be organised for the town in the evening, to which we are all invited. CONCERT - "And you and Yes - Yes tribute band. Your organsiers will go the a neighbouring village - Bernieres sur Mer, for a Canadian ceremony at 2200. Again, you're most welcome.
Saturday 7th June 2014
Another public day. A battle re-enactment could be planned in the afternoon, and also Infantry patrols through the village.
Sunday 8th June 2014
Event open to the public again. Infantry patrols planned. Visit to Putot en Bessin planned for eaarly evening for the unveiling of new monuments there.
Monday 9th June 2014
A visit in convoy could be arranged to PEGASUS BRIDGE, make your own arrangments or stay in camp if you prefer - not too many visitors expected.
Tuesday 10th June 2014
Any remaining work to close down the camp will be done in the morning. It's hoped that those travelling in convoy will depart together at lunchtime to get the 1700 departure from Ouistreham, arriving in Portsmouth at about 2200.
Travel arrangements outside those planned can always be accomodated .